모델명 : THDP0200
감쇠 : 50X/500X
측정 대역폭 : 200MHz
입력 임피던스 : 프로브 팁: 10MΩ, <2pF
최대 전압 : 1000V CAT II, 600V CAT III
사용 가능한 Scope : DPO/MSO/MDP시리즈
단, DPO/MSO2000B 사용시 외부 파워옵션 필요.
프로브 유형 : Differential Probe

Tektronix offers a broad portfolio of high-voltage probing solutions that enable users to safely and accurately make floating measurements.


Key features

  • Overrange Indicator
  • Safety Certified
  • Switchable Attenuation
  • Switchable bandwidth limit


  • Floating measurements
  • Switching power supply design
  • Motor drive design
  • Electronic ballast design
  • CRT display desingn
  • Power converter desigh and service
  • Power device evaluation


Safe high-voltage probe solutions

The THDP0200 is a active differential probe that are capable of safely measuring differential voltages up to ±1500 V. The probe is effective in making measurements in IGBT circuits such as motor drives and power converters. The THDP0200 supports bandwidths up to 200 MHz and slew rates up to 275 V/ns at 1/250 gain.


Connectivity options

The TMDP and THDP Series probes are equipped with the TekVPI® interface which allows smart communication between the oscilloscope and probe. Pushing the probe menu button will launch the probe control menu on the oscilloscope display providing access to all relevant probe settings and controls. These probes are designed to operate on TekVPI® oscilloscopes without requiring the TPA-BNC adapter.






 50X / 500X

 Differential Voltage

 500X : ±1500 V

 50X   : ±150 V

 Common Mode Voltage

 ±1500 V

 Maximum Input Voltage-to-Earth

 1000 V CATⅡ

 600 V CATⅢ


 200 MHz

 Rise Time

 <1.8 ns

 Slew Rate

 <650 V/ns at 1/500 gain

 Input Impedance at the Probe Tip

 10 MΩ || <2 pF

 Typical CMRR

 DC: > -80 dB
 100 kHz: > -60 dB
 3.2 MHz: > -30 dB
 100 MHz: > -26 dB

 Cable Length

 1.5 m