[일반계측장비] Technix-HV HighVoltage Power SR 과 CCR의 차이
 작성자 : 한국계측기
Date : 2022-01-11 11:32  |  Hit : 11,615  
   https://www.technix-hv.com/technix/sites/default/files/downloads/APPLI… [5122]

 Technix-HV(프랑스)사의 High Voltage Power를 2가지 모델로 제공하고 있습니다. 

SR(Reculated power supply) model과 CCR(Capacitor Chargers) model 입니다.  


The Regulated power Supply (SR) can be considered as a voltage generator (Thevenin model). 

It is recommended for all types of loads. Using a SR is generally not recommended to operate with capacitors when the discharge is important.


The Capacitor charger (CCR) can be considered as a current generator (Norton model). He's suitable for all applications that need very fast regulation with big voltage amplitudes and repeated charging and discharging (total or more than 50% of the max).

The CCR has a very low stored energy and may hold a shoting rate up to 1kHz*. CCR machine must operate with an essentially capacitive load. Its regulation mode differs from a SR and prevent from any overshot.

Using a CCR as a Regulated power Supply is not recommended.










#Technix-HV   #고전압파워서플라이  #CapacitorCharger 